Birty Dastards Jeep Club
Events Forum => Birtys Offroad Events => Topic started by: gazjeep on October 26, 2014, 09:51:50 AM
Time is flying by & this end of season fun day is not far away.
Be good to see folks, if we can get an idea of numbers, this would help to decide if folks want a bbq fireing up to do a few sausages for lunch, nothing fancy, just a bit of something to keep us warm :icon_winkle:
planning to
I will be there 100%
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I'll be there
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getting a perm that day sorry
Working >:(
Yep I'll be there. Anyone going to be camping, or will it be too cold for you :peekaboo:
Staying up the road in a warm bed :)
Tart Rich! I will be sleeping at home in my warm bed!
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I'll be there and camping
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is it at coney?
Oh yes
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Not this year....
"Machine Head" Gig has taken priority over the Rubber Turkeys this year :icon_super::ace: :icon_super:
Not this year....
"Machine Head" Gig has taken priority over the Rubber Turkeys this year :icon_super::ace: :icon_super:
Thats a bugger :icon_sad: ........ see your plan though mate :strum:
will a chevy load od woos be helpful ?
You can never have enough od woos mate :hysterical: :hysterical:
Will have to drag the van up on Saturday afternoon, have to make sure there is plenty of lpg and petrol for the girlie to keep warm, blow the hair dry and watch tv :sign0023: will have to turn my efforts from the truck to the Jheep to make sure its at its usual best :icon_eek:
Cool, be good to see you. The site will be a lot different to the dry state it was in for Cheapfest :icon_eek:
Yep it's a different terrain come December
Should be ready in time, can bring a couple of discos to make up the numbers if that's ok?
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Just been told that the girlie is baby sitting on the saturday night :banghead: so it now looks like an early rise n drive :icon_rolleyes: tis gonna be a long day me thinks :icon_biggrin:
Dirty disco's welcome.
Yep if an early start is required then it must be done
We'll be there at some time :icon_super:
Might book in to the local hotel if we get down there Saturday. Not sure if we'll do the course but be good to see you guys again. :098:
Be good to see ya Suze :icon_super:
If not too cold will be camping Saturday night .... otherwise will arrive Sunday morning after eggs and bacon :icon_biggrin:
Bacon ... Bacon ... someone said bacon someone said bacon someone said bacon oooooooo bacon :97:
I had Darth Landy down for one of these.....but looks like you need one too :hysterical:
Turkeys are getting nervous :117:
Nearly time folks :icon_super:
I'll be there, in the jk tho, TK is no where near ready...
I will be there and cannot wait
Thinkin I might smoke some chicken for lunch? Any takers?
What time is briefing/kick off on the Sunday morning .... :017:
Probably about 9.30-10. Depends when Gaz gets out of bed Blues
Probably about 9.30-10. Depends when Gaz gets out of bed Blues
Cheers matey ...
Thinkin I might smoke some chicken for lunch? Any takers?
That sounds fantastic :098:
Probably about 9.30-10. Depends when Gaz gets out of bed Blues
Guilty as charged :icon_super:
I will be there about 9am
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Xj all ready to roll, looking like a convoy from Gloucester, hopefully x3 to pay on the day. If they don't fall apart on the way after all they are rust buckets, I mean discos
Tony, get your mates to register on here if not already done to ensure they are covered by club PLI
No probs they are all going to register over the next couple of days. I've paid already
Nice one mate :icon_super:
Yep, got your dosh thanks :icon_winkle:
Not going to be making it this year, have to work :icon_sad:
Bugger, would have been good to see ya Clayt :icon_sad:
Not going to be making it this year, have to work :icon_sad:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo but what about the fridge cake?
Things have gone tits up so can't make it now, will be lifting steel beams instead so nothing fun at all.
Bugger :icon_sad:
That's crap James.
got no work on this sunday so I might drop by, ive never done a turkey hunt before what are the rules
how many campers ? just wondering in case wood id needed
got no work on this sunday so I might drop by, ive never done a turkey hunt before what are the rules
Basic plan is Drive around hunting for plastic chickens & retrieve them while a part of you is still attached to the vehicle. Prizes given for most found & other prizes we make up as we go along. We are open to bribery & skulduggery
After that, rule 1 is whatever Bubba & I decide goes.
Rule 2, refer to rule 1.
Just turn up, have a drive around at your own pace & enjoy :003:
got no work on this sunday so I might drop by, ive never done a turkey hunt before what are the rules
Rule 1 - get turkeys
Rule 2 - you must be in contact with the vehicle when obtaining turkeys
Rule 3 - have fun
Top tip - trust no one, no turkey is safe
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I'll be there! Getting the jeep dropped off either Saturday or Sunday at ribbo. Had a quote from beeches recovery for £150 each way! What a rip off. Will have to make a few more enquiries I think. How many will be there Saturday day/eve camping?
I'll be there sat afternoon/evening. Don't know who else though.
Memo to self, talk to Kev about taking a BBQ or 2 for folks to use.
Donk, you still got plenty of charcoal or shall I get some ?
Yeah still got some, will chuck a bag in.
What time do we need to arrive on Sunday for breakfast then?
got no work on this sunday so I might drop by, ive never done a turkey hunt before what are the rules
driving off road at a site near Bewdley, talk allot of crap, laugh at some people who have got stuck and find some squeaky turkey shaped toys selectively left around the site
Im camping, fairly sure Woz is also.
cant beat waking up and cracking the frost off the tent before cooking fingers back into life over an open fire
Kev & I will be there Saturday to Recce the site & put out the first batch of Turkeys ready for first thing Sunday, official start time 10 o'clock.
We will also be be taking a couple of the Cheapfest BBQ's so the will be available to anyone camping on the Saturday & if folks want to use them Sunday, there's also a plan to knock up a few sausages / hot dogs Sunday Lunchtime ...... thats the plan anyway :icon_winkle:
Im gonna have to drop out im afraid, shame cos I was well up for it, however with what has all gone on in recent weeks and the baby sitting factor on Saturday evening I really cant see me getting up at 5.30 am and doing a days driving, sorry to have to pull out :icon_sad:
Sorry donk. Will have to make up for the lack of fridge cake at the breakout :)
Would like to get a trip in to Clyro next year as well as Kirton :)
Have a good Turkey hunt all :)
Im gonna have to drop out im afraid, shame cos I was well up for it, however with what has all gone on in recent weeks and the baby sitting factor on Saturday evening I really cant see me getting up at 5.30 am and doing a days driving, sorry to have to pull out :icon_sad:
That's a shame .... I'll try and catch you a few Turkeys
if anybody sees a small old fella wandering round on foot please feel free to pick him up :icon_winkle:
Cool nice one steve
Lads I'm unable to make this weekend. A few things have popped up that need sorting out. Have fun and get plenty of pics
Hope all the Turkeys got captured and returned to there hidey hole , and you all had a good time.
Brilliant day today
( (
( (
I had a great time :098:
Thanks guys :icon_biggrin:
good to see everyone today, thanks for the warm welcome
great to see 1 1/2 of my old trucks been used by new owners, brilliant
and was honoured to be asked to present the winners trophy, well done Niall
Thanks all
Bloody good day folks, good to see that the usual level of skulduggery was upto scratch :003:
Weather held for the most part :greggmo:, Stew was early :icon_eek: competition was as fierce as always :violence: :violence:, site was slippy but doable for the most part with care. It was amazing how far a fat bloke in a 30 year old chevy truck with skinny road tyres on got pretty much anywhere he damn well pleased, even if a little sideways :003:
MOCAJ, good to see ya mate, thanks for doing the honours, many congrats to Nial :icon_super:
Hope everyone got home safe & Tony, hope the AA man wasn't too long :icon_winkle:
Thanks for coming to play all ...... just a bloody good day :icon_super:
Was a very good day
but why do photos never show the impending doom your facing when on a hill or bank :017: :017:
Pissed off to miss it and would much rather have been with you lot than doing myself in lifting RSJs into place.
Glad you all had fun and it went well.
At least the AA saved me the fuel for the drive home :icon_winkle:
Thanks for a great day, looks like a minor fix thankfully
Were they ok recovering you in the end
No problem at all, a shame to have missed the afternoon but shit happens!
Glad to hear you got home ok mate :003:
We had a really great day.. was good, food was good and so was the company. Thanks to all who organised and put the day together :greggmo:
We had a really great day.. was good, food was good and so was the company. Thanks to all who organised and put the day together :greggmo:
Good to see you, even if you may have won.
Good to know roughcountry are replacing my bent steering arm under warranty. Didn't look to clever now it's off - no wonder I couldn't turn left :steeringwheel:
That's a bonus mate