got some good advice in chat today
Nosebolt: got the quote for props today 400 each
Nosebolt: can only afford 1 for now
panic mechanic: effing hell they made out of gold?
Nosebolt: not sure, but he recons bullet proof and good for 100mph with current lift, not that i would
v8 bubba: man thats far too dear was ya goin for cvs front and rear
Nosebolt: dbl cardons
Nosebolt: 300mm slides
Nosebolt: will be getting quote from tom woods in states too
panic mechanic: you need to phone up a kit car manufacturer and ask them where they get theirs done
v8 bubba: so you goin cardans both ends
v8 bubba: and do you got loads of bad vibes
Nosebolt: cardons on both props at 1 end
panic mechanic: if you know your specs I would ring round a few places
v8 bubba: what the chuff are ya puttin one on the front for
Nosebolt: got to think about logistics too, this place just around the corner from me
Nosebolt: for overkill
v8 bubba: overkill of the wallet
panic mechanic: you over complicate things and it will just break quicker
panic mechanic: we could birty ship it back down to you lol
v8 bubba: do you got free wheelers up front
Nosebolt: only std
v8 bubba: cardans in the front are just there to reminde everybody they shoulda bought a cj
v8 bubba: standard freewheelers
Nosebolt: yea, they badged as warn but std issue
v8 bubba: 5 or 6 bolt
Nosebolt: 5 bolt
Nosebolt: think i will question front prop tomorrow
v8 bubba: ok leave the prop as it is if its long enough it dont spin in 2wd watch ebay and get superwinch hubs they are cheaper than relacing the factory item 50 quid will see them in the uk you will break yours for sure unless you drive very carefull in the dirt