I have a problem with my keyfobs locking unlocking and setting alarms. I collected the vehicle on Sunday and was given 2 sets of keys with 2 fobs. Each fob is different. One fob has triangular looking top, the other a square. Each fob has 2 buttons.
The square fob works intermittently. It may take several presses of the button for it to work. Other times it only needs a tap. I thought it may have been a low battery. Having changed the battery it is still the same. The problem I had was upn removing the battery, it was corroded. It looks like at some time, the previous owner has had a battery leak in the fob. The mini circuit board and battery terminals are heavily corroded. I have cleaned up as best I can but still no improvement.
The second fob doesnt work at all.
I just wondered if these fobs are reprogrammable to a vehicle. Would I be able to buy some different fobs and reprogramme them to my vehicle? If so, any suggestions as to where I could get some fobs? Would I be ok to get some off a breaker? How do you programme them to a vehicle?
Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any assistance you may all be able to give my way.