Not having a great week this week. Blew up a Volvo on Saturday (now scrap), and arrived at work this morning to the fishy smell of hot coolant, a low coolant warning light and a spreading damp patch under the wagon.
Visual investigation has revealed the source of the leak to be somewhere between the front two injectors, at the Cylinder head. I've lost no power, and it's never ever got warmer than between 1/4 and 1/2 on the temp guage. Is this indicative of a failed head gasket, or something more serious ?.
I don't mind changing hoses and stuff, but nowhere near competent enough to strip this down and repair myself. Has anyone got any ideas on what this is likely to cost and also whether there's anyone in South Essex that would be able to do the job (I did have a number from someone that Mike gave me for a guy in Southend, but seem to have misplaced it).
Cheers all