I've a 4.0lt WJ grand and it appears to have a gearbox problem (59K miles). I stopped at a set of lights and when trying to drive of it felt as though I was towing an artic. I switched off the engine after a short while and it was perfect. But since then I've noticed that every time I switch on my Grand and move off it won't change from 1st to 2nd until around 2.5 - 3K revs. Now the funny thing is after it eventually changes it's perfect even when you stop at lights and move off a dead start - weird. What's more weird, it only happens when I move off after I start the GC.
I also tried it out in low ratio and I don't think its changing through the gears.
I've changed the auto oil and cleaned the steel filter - should I put a new one in??
Can anybody help