As you will no doubt have seen, there is now a chatbox on the index screen.
This has been requested numerous times, so here it is. Don't be shy, less people read it than read the normal posts.
It's not intended to replace the forum, so don't use it for anything you'd normally post a message for.
Just use it to hurl abuse at each other and talk about the weather etc.
Please do not mis-use the chatbox, as you'll find yourself unable to use it.To use it, you must register and login to it. It's easy enough and a one time deal. Instruction son how to do it are in the chat windows.
By default it will not work well in IE7. Please enable cookies from and it will be much more betterer.
Guests cannot see the chat box, so they won't know that we're all weird until they join
To see the time of a message, hover your mouse over it.
To enable cookies from for Internet Explorer 7, do this
Press the "Tools" button, its on the far right, and has a blue cog icon.
Next Click "Internet Options". It will give you a popup window. Click the "Privacy" tab on this window. Then press the "Sites" button. In the "Address of website" box, but this text "" (without the quotes). Click "Allow". Then click "OK" and then "OK" on the internet options window. It will disappear and you are done.
If you would like to open the chatbox in a new window to make it bigger, then you should use