The transmission died on me a few months ago. Renewed the fluid and filters and all was well.
Soon afterward though it would drop out of overdrive while at speed. Only stopping, shutting down, waiting and re-starting would fix it but for a mile or so before it happened again.
Fault codes include transmission overheat but the temperature is 'only' 112C which doesn't seem high to me?
It sometimes doesn't change up smoothly but jerks. When decelerating it sometimes 'hangs' in O/D or 3rd gear then, when I apply throttle it changes down with a jerk. It's not great.
I'm guessing but 'IF' there's sludge or a blockage then getting it flushed might be a good idea. My friendly mechanic doesn't have the equipment for that so can only offer a fluid and filter change. I tried one local specialist who quoted me £6000 (yeah, right).
Any ideas or recommendations in Herts/Essex would be appreciated. For a company that knows what they're doing I'd even travel further.