If it hasn't been serviced regularly then I wouldn't change the oil. Pull the pan and save the tranny fluid, change the filter, install the pan and refill with old fluid (unless it is brown or smells burnt)
The reason behind it is when you take a high mileage tranny that has never had it's fluid changed the fluid has a fine grit in it that the filter can't get rid of(from the clutches wearing). The bands/clutches are worn in the tranny, the "grit" is whats allowing them not to slip. If you change the fluid to fresh stuff it will lube the internals then you will get slipage and need a rebuild.
I didn't believe it either until I saw it first hand, uncles garage, customer insisted on a full flush and new oil, he was warned, 3 weeks later he was back with the tranny slipping.
Why do you think tranny shops try to sell you a full flush and clean fluid??
Also if you only change the oil in the pan there's about 5 more quarts in the torque converter.