My poor old CJ7 tub has gone all frilly round the bottom edges and over the cowl, so I've just SORNED it ready for yet another body off restoration.
Last time it was done by a "profesional panel beater", Hah! But that has only lasted 6 years, so want to do most of the work myself as I want a proper job this time.
Anyway, do you guys reckon an angle-grinder with one of those vicious cup brushes is up to the job of paint stripping or is it best to send the whole tub off for sand blasting?
Reason I ask, is that it sounds more logical to cut out the rot and weld in repair panels at my own pace using the cup wheel method, as then I don't have to worry about the rest of the vehicle rotting away as would happen if it were in a bare metal condition. But if it isn't fully stripped or is coated in red oxide how am I supposed to know I've got all the damn rust?